We would like to express our sincere thanks to alumni Mary and David Forshaw and their family for leaving a £1m legacy to Newcastle University which will be supporting students for years to come.


David Forshaw and Mary Clay met in Newcastle as students in the 1970s – Dave was studying Botany and Zoology (graduating in 1972) and Mary was completing her BEd at the nearby teacher training college.

They lived in Jesmond together and enjoyed a rich cultural and academic life here, pursuing their interests in ballet, music, poetry, and paintings and architecture. Mary went on to complete a Psychology degree at Newcastle (graduating in 1978). They both fenced at the University, and David was a powerlifter too – a hobby he enjoyed for much of his life.

After graduating, they both went into careers in the burgeoning field of computing – with Mary returning to campus in the 1980s to complete her diploma in Computing Science. The couple worked hard to have a successful career in this area, and always found time to travel (on their trusty motorbikes) and keep bees too.

Mary and Dave’s legacy

Sadly, Mary died at the age of 54 from bowel cancer, and 10 years later Dave passed away of heart failure.

In their will, Mary and Dave chose to leave a legacy to the Schools of Psychology, Fine Art, and Architecture, Planning and Landscape at their alma mater. The couple were keen to support female students at the university in particular, and to offer women opportunities to better their circumstances through the power of education.

From residencies abroad to full PhD studentships, this gift honours Dave and Mary's commitments to ideals they shared in their lifetime: to promote the benefits of a university education and the values of liberal arts and science. In the last academic year (2021/22), 12 students across the three Schools benefitted from the Forshaw legacy.

Providing opportunities for the next generation of psychologists

Five students from the School of Psychology were able to undertake professional psychology placements through Mary and Dave’s generosity – an opportunity that they wouldn’t have been able to have otherwise. These placements are great learning opportunities for students, leading to enhanced knowledge, skills and employability and ensuring future generations of Newcastle graduates can make a difference in the world.

Isobelle was one of the Psychology students who was able to take part in a placement with Mary and Dave’s help. She said:

“This placement has made me more confident that I have the ability and experience to pursue a career in clinical psychology. Within a week of finishing my placement, I was accepted for a position as a nursing assistant at another mental health hospital within the Trust.”


Building our future cities

Forshaw Awards have empowered four students working towards PhDs in our School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, providing funding for tuition fees so they can dedicate their time and energy to their exciting research on topics including urban forests and co-housing projects.

“I have been able to pursue my dream research project and have started making contributions to the field of landscape architecture. The Forshaw Award has been indispensable in making these results possible.”

Lotte Dijkstra, PhD candidate in the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape

Reinstating Fine Art residencies in Rome

Following a hiatus caused by the pandemic, this year our School of Fine Art were able to send three graduates to The British School at Rome (BSR) for month-long residencies thanks to Mary and Dave’s legacy. This opportunity aims to empower our graduates to explore the rich culture of Rome and respond to it through their own artistic endeavours.

“A month in Rome has opened my mind up to new experiences and ways of thinking. The opportunity has heavily impacted my artwork, myself and my future. I was awed by the city. Walking through the streets, you couldn’t help but be impacted by the rich history of the place."

Megan Disken, Forshaw scholar of Fine Art

During the residency, the 3 scholars spent time learning with artists and architects at the BSR to learn about their practices and to ground the grandeur of Rome. They visited historical and religious sites and immersed themselves in the culture of the city.

Thank you to the Forshaw family for their generous support of Newcastle students

By committing a legacy donation to Newcastle University, you can make a lasting difference by helping future students, future research and a future of positive change in our city and around the world – just like Dave and Mary.

How to prepare a Will

As part of our Newcastle Discover Series, we recently held a webinar with Newcastle-based law firm Mincoffs Solicitors. In this webinar Lydia McCaslin, Head of Wills, Trust and Probate discussed how to prepare a Will, the different types of Power Attorney and how to leave a legacy donation to a charity. If you're thinking about arranging a Will this year, you can catch up on this webinar on our YouTube channel.


To find out more, please contact our Legacies Officer Fariha Chowdhury on 0191 208 7250 or visit our Legacy Giving webpage.